Connections Online Web Services (COWS)


COWS gives IT departments and third-party developers direct access to all of the information stored in Connections Online. It supports the four standard CRUD functions: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. If a user has access to do something to the information in Connections Online, the same access is given through COWS.

This opens up the user interface for Connections Online to be anything you can imagine (and develop). This could mean new reports, dashboards, quick entry screens, or even a full-featured replacement for the default Connections Online user interface.

COWS is maintained by Sypher Technology. If you have questions, comments, feature requests, or bugs to report, please contact us through the feedback tab on this page or by going to the COWS Support Community.

Web Services

Primary Objects
Global Admins Only
Method Not Applicable

Method names will show up as they become available. Documentation on how to use each method will be added as well. More methods added as requested.

Base Methods

Object Create Read Update Delete
Security GroupCreateGroupReadGroupsUpdateGroupDeleteGroup
Site AdministratorsCreateAdministratorReadAdministratorsn/aDeleteAdministrator
Organization / DepartmentCreateOrganizationReadOrganizationsUpdateOrganizationDeleteOrganization
Team MembersCreateTeamMemberReadTeamMembersUpdateTeamMemberDeleteTeamMember
Project ScopeCreateProjectScopeReadProjectScopeUpdateProjectScopeDeleteProjectScope
Evaluation CriteriaCreateEvaluationCriteriaReadEvaluationCriteriaUpdateEvaluationCriteriaDeleteEvaluationCriteria
Supervisory ScopeCreatSupervisoryScopeReadSupervisoryScopeUpdateSupervisoryScopeDeleteSupervisoryScope
Basic RoleCreateBasicRoleReadBasicRoleUpdateBasicRoleDeleteBasicRole
Performance IndicatorCreatePerformanceIndicatorReadPerformanceIndicatorsUpdatePerformanceIndicatorDeletePerformanceIndicator
Metric DataCreateMetricDataReadMetricDataUpdateMetricDataDeleteMetricData
Metric OwnersCreateMetricOwnerReadMetricOwnersn/aDeleteMetricOwner
Basic Role Dialogn/aReadBasicRoleDialogsUpdateBasicRoleDialogn/a
People ResponsibleCreatePersonResponsibleReadPeopleResponsibleUpdatePersonResponsibleDeletePersonResponsible
Related LinkCreateRelatedLinkReadRelatedLinksUpdateRelatedLinkDeleteRalatedLink

Other Available Methods

ReadCoreValuesSubset of ReadOrganizations. Returns just the core values for the given organization.
ReadFocusSubset of ReadOrganizations. Returns just the focus for the given organization.
ReadSiteMetricsReturns all metrics for a given site. Does not include deleted metrics or caluculated tree fields like DisplayRank, RankPath, RankOrder, and Level.
ReadStatisticsReturns some general statistics about the Connections Online application. No login is required for this method.
UpdateCoreValuesSubset of UpdateOrganization. Update the core values for the given organization.
UpdateFocusSubset of UpdateOrganization. Update the focus for the given organization.
ProjectSyncUsed by our Microsoft Project Add-In to sync project information.

Planned Methods

  • ReadKeywords
  • ReadParameters
  • ReadTabs
  • UpdateKeywords
  • UpdateTabs
  • UpdateParameters

Usage Examples